Celbridge Club Race Results Mallow / Skibbereen

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Celbridge Club Race Results Mallow / Skibbereen

Postby tom » Wed May 16, 2012 7:47 pm

celbridge club race results mallow /skibbereen

Celbridge racing pigeon clubs 3rd race of the 2012 season was from mallow 123 miles on the 28th of april when 6 members sent 98 birds into hard east north east wind.

Taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd,was tom fagan with the winning velocity 1180.301 with 3 staff van reet cocks from keith arnolds also winning the d t w. 100 euros.

Next up was phil murray taking 4th place tom 5th phil 6th and 7th p/m fagan 8th sean bailey 9th and close behind him pat moran ending of the clubs top ten.

Well done tom on winning 231st fed 276th fed and 325th fed from 9,415 birds.

Our next club race was from skibbereen 168 miles into a east north east wind when 7 members sent 84 birds

Winning 1st place was tom fagan, p/m fagan with his on form team winning 2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 8th also winning our club pub mom.phil murray 7th and 9th, club.

Celbridge racing pigeon clubs next race is from barleycove our longest inland race 187 miles lets hope we get a little south wind in it,

celbridge r.p.c

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Pat Mornan Celbridge r. p c with new member Brenden Holmes
Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:08 pm

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