celbridgr racing pigeon club
thurles 14th april 2012 when 6 members sent 110 birds
1st .2nd. 3rd . tom fagan winning volocity 1226.925 1209.190 and1190.816
next phil murray with 3 good ones taking 4th.5th .and 6th in the club,our secretary paul fagan racing as p / m fagan racing a new team of ronnd about pigeons was 7th and 8th club next up was one of our new memembers sean bailey winning 9th and 10 th club a good velocity 1136.334 this been sean first race with our club well done sean.
our next race is from pilmore beach .
well done to tom fagan winning 1st club and 254th fed from 10,400 birds racing hes team of staff van reets. celbridge r p c.