Loss of weight may occur and droppings will appear discolour

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Loss of weight may occur and droppings will appear discolour

Postby Email_Free_Add » Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:37 pm

For all Your Pigeon Health Products visit http://www.maceoinltd.com or Tel: 087 2077019

Coxoid is a liquid treatment for Coccidiosis in pigeons.

Coxoid treatment for coccidiosis is administered in drinking water.

Contains 3.84% amprolium hydrochloride. Use 28ml / 4.5lt (1fl.oz/gallon) for 7 days.

Treat all birds, and use anti-coccidiosis disinfectant e.g. Stalosan F, throughout the house and e.g. Virkon S for their feeders & Drinkers

A safe and rapid treatment for outbreaks.

Coccidiosis is characterised by an appearance of being unwell. Paleness of comb and wattle and dull plumage.

Loss of weight may occur and droppings will appear discoloured, sometimes showing blood, and watery. Coccidiosis is caused by a small intestinal worm and can be fatal if left untreated.

For serious outbreak treatment should be continued for a further 7 days. Birds should not have access to unmedicated water during this time.
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